copbait2.txt * Gay porn from the '60s. * PRISON-BOUND TEEN FUCKER RAPED BY COPS Part II. (Hot Sex in the Prison Ford) The older cop, Ted, just chuckled at the kid's plea. He quickly unzipped the punk's fly. Ronny's engorged cock urged the zipper open. Then his partner, Cal, reached up and grabbed the boy's shirt near the neck, with a pull, the cheap State-supplied shirt popped all its buttons. Ronny then began to beg them to stop. He was in earnest. But, the more he begged, the happier the two cops seemed to be. Once more, Cal reached to the boy's neck and took a firm hold of his T-shirt, noting the blond's firm tits both were straining at the white confines, the young nipples erect. The meaty hand grasped the front of the T-shirt, and with one rip peeled the punk's chest bare. Smooth, defined, not a blemish on it, thought the younger cop. Ted surpressed his urge to chew on the erect cock through the cheap boxer shorts. Instead, he pulled the belt from the boy's midsection. The boy was shaking more now, more from fear than anything else. Then the two cops each took hold of Ronny's pants and began pulling; a ripping sound filled the car for a moment. The pants were in two parts. Ted lustily put his hairy hand on the punk's boxer shorts. "Lift yer ass, kid!" Ronny complied and the shorts were on the car floor along with his pants. Now, with his legs still held in firm embrace by each of the cops, the size of Ronny's tremendous endowment was evident to both. "Fuck!", yelled the younger cop. "I've never seen no white kid with a cock that big!" "Yeh," exclaimed the older. "He's gotta be 13 inches, easy! But look at them balls! More like horse nuts! Jesus, mercy, Cal - this kid's a find!" It seemed like slow motion to Ronny, as each of the cops put a hand on his nuts. Ted's almost coarse paw on his right, Cal eagerly massaging his left. Between the two of them, his enflamed balls were telling his cock - now fully erect - he might enjoy this. And the cock did measure 13". The head of it was on an even line between his nipples. Taunt, rock hard, straining at the flesh that restrained it, already oozing a drop of pre-cum from its slit. "Shit! Hope they don't make me eat my own pecker", Ronny thought as time seemed to slow down further. Nothing like this had ever happened to him. 'Course, like most boys, there were the usual little games that had meant nothing - except possibly in the knowledge that they were doing something "dirty". No, once he had turned his interest to girls, none of his own sex had ever laid hands on him. Now, as the two cops started to paw his huge cock, Ronny found himself tense, ready to battle, but still wanting to cum, wanting something - he didn't know what - from his captors. With his hands in cuffs, shoved behind him, each arm restrained by the cop on either side of him, all Ronny could do was weave his body from side to side. These guys were no weaklings; Ronny knew he would end up on the short end of the shit-stick if he tried to fight. 'Sides, all he could do would be kick, he thought, and there's not enough room in this back seat, not with the legs pinned down. And these guys were no weaklings. Still, it was a shock to Ronny to realize two rugged cops, neither of them more than ten years older than himself, would be teasing his cock, obviously loving the size of his balls, his whole gear. This was what "fairies" did, and Ronny despised fags. "Are THEY fags, maybe?", he thought. The thought propelled him forward, as he tried to dislodge his legs from the leg lock each cop had on him. But the more he pushed his torso forward, the harder Ted and Cal pressed against him. Now, Ronny settled back, his legs opened still wider, giving the two cops free movement. His bare ass on the edge of the seat, the huge balls hung over the edge. Ted's hand left his right nut, while Cal greedily tickled it, the palm of his hand still cupping Ronny's left nut. Now Ted's free hand was on the kid's cock, friggin' it. "That's a real piece of meat, kid!", Ted exclaimed through clenched teeth. The rain continued its relentless downpour. With the engine and heater off, Ronnie was cold and his body began to shake. He gave up his struggle. Still, the excitment was there and he felt a sickening lust creep over him. He hated himself for allowing his feeling to take that kind of hold over him - in the hands of two cops! Ron was a smart kid, though. He knew should he struggle, it would be harder on him. He sighed, the rigidity went out of his torso, but his cock was now fully stretched. Had Ronny put out his tongue, he could now lick the head of his cock. Ted's moving fist was warming all of Ronny's being, sucking him down into the comfortable vortex of shootin' gism. "FEEL this cock, Cal," Ted cried. The other cop's free hand moved to the tremendous shaft, below Ted's hand. The two cops paralleled their motion on the biggest dick either had ever seen, much less held. "Can you picture those women gettin' raped by this?", Cal's retorical question wasn't meant to be answered. "Bet you're proud of this stick, huh, Kid?" Ronny stared ahead into the darkness around him, not answering. In response, Ted's grip on the boy's meat tightened and speeded up. Cal's hand dropped to his own engorged meat, cupping it through his uniform. Ronny exclaimed, "Stop! . . . stop! . . . you'll make me come!" A serious voice from Ted commanded, "Hold him down, Cal." Ronny felt himself falling sideways against Cal as the latter moved off the seat, and now his back was down on the seat with his legs still on the floor. His hands were still in back of him and Cal now pushed the kid's body against his own. Then, Ronny felt a strange sensation as something moist and warm encircled the head of his prick. He knew right away what it was and the impact of the feeling was too great for him to do anything but let out and long, almost passionate sigh. The older cop worked his mouth up and down the rigid cock. The trembling, but limp boy sent quivers of delight through Ted. "I could eat this fucker alive; what a sweet, hot piece of ass!", he exclaimed to himself, the saliva from his tongue drooling down the boy's huge cock. Ted could only get the kid's cockhead into his mouth; no human mouth would be big enough to take more. The cop thought to himself, "This is like sucking on a bedpost - but, oh!, what a fucking post!"